Lansdowne Place, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 3RY

01788 575328

Nursery Dolphins 2024-2025


Please call our school office (01788 575328) or email to discuss our Nursery and to register your child.

Miss Merrick, Mrs McCracken and Mrs Ryan would like to welcome you to the Nursery webpage. 

Please click the image below to view our Curriculum Year Plan.


Please click the image below to view Development Matters.


 What a fantastic few weeks we have had in Nursery. We are so proud of how well the children have settled in and adjusted to Nursery routines. The children have been learning about themselves and others in our 'All about me' topic, where they have looked at themselves closely in mirrors and painted their self portraits (which look great on our display!)  drawn around their bodies and helped to label what body parts we have, discussed our likes and dislikes and how we are all different, and learning all about emotions. We have started dough disco, where the children each day will have an opportunity to manipulate dough to music in order to develop their gross and fine motor skills. 

During October, our topic will be Autumn/Bears, where alongside taking part in lots of lovely Autumn themed activities, we will also have a focus in literacy on the key texts, 'We're going on a bear hunt' and 'Owl Babies'. We will also be going on our very own teddy bears picnic where the children will be invited to bring in their favourite teddy from home (more information to follow!) We will also be starting to learn numbers and practice our counting skills through our Maths programme Ten Town, where the children learn numbers through stories and songs. 

Can we just remind parents to name every item of clothing (including shoes) please, so it is easy for us to identify clothing when the children take things off.

Here are some photos of how busy we have been so far in Nursery. 


 The Nursery staff have really enjoyed meeting all the wonderful families and children who will be joining us in Dolphin's class this year. Over the next few weeks, the focus will be on settling the children in to Nursery life gradually and for the children to become familiar with a new classroom and new routines. They will be busy exploring all the learning areas we have both indoors and outdoors and forming relationships with their peers and adults. 

You will be provided with login details for Evidence Me where we will keep you updated with your child's learning throughout the year and also to keep you updated with any news or information you need to know. 

Please can you provide your child with a pair of named welly boots in school as they will be outdoors in all weathers, in areas such as the mud kitchen! Please ensure that your child has spare clothes in their bags each day and also ensure that every item of clothing is named so we can make sure everything is given back to the children.

We are very excited to get to know the children even better over the coming weeks!

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