Vision & Aims
EPS Vision
At Eastlands Primary School we strive for quality education through outstanding teaching and learning by holding the highest expectations for all our pupils. Children at Eastlands have a say in their learning using discussion, dialogue and debate as powerful tools. We take pride in putting children first, knowing each child’s strength and needs so ensuring no child is left behind. Nurturing the whole child is our goal. Our commitment to quality education includes strong community links.
Responsibility |
Respect | Resilience | ||
Vision Development
Our vision statement was written with the involvement of children, staff, parents and governors. It reflects our overarching aims, ethos and values and we plan to use it to direct our journey and to inspire further progress and developments.
To see how our vision was created.
- To celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not frightened to make mistakes.
- To encourage children to take ownership of and responsibility for their learning, so they have the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, solve problems and respond to quality feedback.
- To praise hard work, determination and having a positive attitude.
- To develop our school so that it has consistency at its heart, that it is a creative and exciting place for our children and for the community, that we have high expectations of each other and that we hold each other to account.
- To educate in a holistic way, focusing on the social, moral, creative and artistic as well as academic.
- To give opportunities to develop the knowledge and skills our children will need for later in life.
- To build a school community with positive relationships based upon clear values, respect and support.
- To be ambitious for our children and for our school.